Why do we need to talk about Relationships?

Why do we need to talk about Relationships?
Has it occurred to you that almost all the problems that we have are due to our relationships? You don’t believe me? Check this out-

Heart break, Love, break up, unfulfilled expectations, insults, deception and the like come from our Relationship with people.

Unfulfilled desires, compromises in living conditions, living in debts, being hassled by lenders, not able to fulfill responsibilities come from our Relationship with money and material goods.

Physical pain, pain of diseases and disabilities, low self esteem over looks and physique and the likes stems from our Relationship without body.

And Depression, loneliness, Comparison, Fears and frustrations are directly linked to our Relationship with us.

There is no escape from relationships. If we do not understand this basic fact that all our problems, pains, heartaches and challenges are rooted in our relationships with the living and non-living around us, we will always be directing our anger, pain, efforts towards another someone or something. The result will be what it has always been- frustration, depression, anguish, leading to unhappiness and discontentment.

Let’s talk about the various faces of relationships in the coming days. I invite you to travel with me through the myriad shapes and faces of relationships that surround us during our life- time here. All through I welcome you to share feedback, questions and suggestions so we can pack in maximum of what we need and when we need.

I am looking forward to this journey because every time I write, I learn and I grow.

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