Have you ever been in a relationship that you know is not right for you? It is draining you of your life force and the happiness that you sought from it is long gone. You wish for a better life everyday in company of the same person with whom you had once wanted forever togetherness. Friends tell you to walk away from it and yet you are unable to do so. There is something that keeps you from taking that step and makes you miserable with each passing day. Have you experienced it or seen anyone close to you who is going through it?
To an observer it appears to be so obvious that they cannot comprehend your continuing with the relationship at all. But you are not able to take the step. What can be the reason?
You have gained weight beyond your comfort limit and now every waking moment of every day makes you feel miserable about yourself. The interesting part is that you know what you have to do to shed those extra pounds. To your credit you have indeed started on the weight loss journey several times but it is just matter days when you would give up and be back to the feeling miserable again.
May be there is the job change that you have been contemplating for days. You hate going to your current work place, you hate to face your boss and colleagues and you would rather die than sit at that desk again. Often you find yourself longing for your dream career and you think “one day…” But that ‘one-day’ just does not seem to arrive and your frustration keeps spilling into your personal life.
Moat people are tolerating something or the other. A very few have dared to break free and when we look at them we build stories around them, “oh it is easy for him to quit the job his wife is earning and he has no problem with money” or “I am not that kind of a person to ditch someone in a relationship, I have my values, if I have got into this relationship I must take it through” or “She has so much house help and he in-law are also so cooperative, I have no time to spend hours a the gym…”
Most of us are into one of these and many other situations at some point of our life where we are not able to move ahead in the direction of our happiness. The reasons can be multitude but they can be summed up into-
Fear of (being lonely, being labeled, being criticized, the reaction of the other person involved, being held responsible, not having anything further to look at…)
Lack of self control
Low self esteem
Not having clear plan
Giving too much importance to the opinions of others
Simply being lazy
These are the situations when we need to work with a Life Coach. Personal Life Coaching is where the coach helps us to set our goals, identify our weak points and our strength, formulate a workable plan, divide the goals into long term and short term and then further break it down into achievable target and then set up a working plan. Next the coach walks with us every step our journey, makes us answerable on a daily basis, understands and listens to our fears and motivates us all through the journey.
However most of us are wired to believe that happiness is not real and that life is full of pain and that we are doomed to live a life we do not like. Also most people put in their maximum efforts from their childhood till they manage to get a job and a partner expecting that it will be a ‘happy ever after’ after that. That is when we stop looking forward for the better and found comfort in some weird comfort thoughts like, “I am not lucky like others”. Thus even when we are not able to help ourselves we do not even seek out someone to help us towards our deserved happiness.
But Personal Life Coaching is for Real. Today coaches around the world are transforming lives and helping people reach to the place where they wish to in personal life, professional, financial, physical and spiritual life.
Look up for a Life Coach today. Online you can find the kind of coach you want and where you want. Online Personal Life Coaching helps you to connect with a coach anywhere in the world.
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