A counselor is a counselor all the time. One cannot plan to sit in a counselors chair and transform into a non-judgmental, empathizing, understanding person. The traits of a counselor are to be lived. An important part of our course is to help you find and strengthen the counselor within you. The authenticity will build up automatically
What makes us special
Since you learn individually with the counselor, your alignment with the process of counseling is always given the top priority. A great amount of time is allotted to clearing your doubts and fears. Each learner is treated as a counselor from day one and every session focuses on the art of handling clients, the difficulties faced, the possible issues and anything that is particularly important to you.
A Counselor has to be a counselor by his heart, passion, and aptitude. No degree in Mental health sciences can make a person become a counselor. A Counselor has empathy, Genuine interest for others and belief in the good at his heart. When we sit on that special chair we have to be free of human biases, prejudices, and judgments. We are there to heal and guide and not to judge and instruct. And that is why this chair is so special. Each one of us has to earn our right to this chair that symbolizes trust, faith, equality, and secrecy.
Throughout the program the emphasis is on helping you overcome your fears, guilts, resentments, biases, prejudices and mind-blocks. The aim is to not only make you an effective counselor but also to lead you towards your personal bliss and greatness.
The counseling sessions conducted by the trainee in the presence of the Expert trainer gives you the ultimate confidence required to start off independently.
Where ever you are based, what ever your current time schedule is, you can take the course today and right where you are. Since this is a one to one program we are conducting it online as well as in office at Nagpur as convenient to you as possible.
We guide you to set up your counseling practice and plan marketing to promote the same.
While you enter your counseling practice, you will be faced with new and challenging cases. No need to be fazed, we will be there with you guiding at every stage till you do not feel confident to go ahead on your own.
Purpose: Work with parents to help them bring up their unique children with customized yet practical rejoinders to their efforts.
Approach: Once a week hour long session with the parents probing deep into understanding the personality of each child and the unique challenges faced by the parents. Followed by customized action plan for the parents to put into action over the week.
Duration: 5 weeks
Purpose: Work with Couples or individuals to walk them thru to identify the real issues in their relationships and equip them with tools to live in thriving relationships with love, understanding and happiness.
Approach: Once a week hour long session probing deep into understanding the personality of each partner and the unique challenges faced by them. Followed by customized action plan to put the learning into action over the week.
Duration: 5 Weeks
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